sig-school-logo_oval_draft-1-02Society for Vascular Ultrasound

Jackson College is recognized as a Signature School of the Society for Vascular Ultrasound. SVU is a membership society dedicated to the advancement of noninvasive technology used in the diagnosis of vascular disease. The Society has a membership of over 5,700 vascular technologists, surgeons, cardiologists, lab directors, academics, students and other professionals involved in the practice of vascular ultrasound, approximately 20% of whom are physicians.

SVU provides its members with regional continuing medical education (CME) programs at both introductory and advanced levels through a series of webinars, in-person conferences and educational products. SVU offers over 24 CME credits per year as well as AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.

From its headquarters in the Washington, DC suburbs, SVU maintains a strong and highly successful advocacy program.  SVU works on issues affecting its members at the federal and state levels on a host of issues ranging from reimbursement, to state licensure, to musculoskeletal injury and more.

SVU also publishes a well-regarded quarterly medical publication on vascular technology, the Journal for Vascular Ultrasound (JVU).

Signature School Program